I just saw the trailer for World Trade Center, Oliver Stone's 9-11 movie with Nicholas Cage. (You can watch it here.) I can't imagine who wants to see that film. I certainly don't; just watching the preview made me tear up. Everything surrounding 9-11 is still too gut-wrenching for me even to contemplate as a form of entertainment.
I don't doubt that it will be a powerful film. Stone's pictures always are. But I feel the same way about this as I did the recent United 93 movie: it's too soon. I don't think we have the necessary distance from the events yet in order to view them in this way. There's also something that strikes me as very wrong about a company profiting from a film based on a story like that.
Can you imagine sitting in the audience for X-Men 3 or some other such piece of entertainment, and they show the trailer for World Trade Center? People are going to vomit.
United 93 has only grossed $28 million domestically so far, despite great reviews, so it looks like a lot of people agree.