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May 30, 2007


patti abbott

I don't think so. I'd rather read about something you liked than something you didn't. Kakutani (sp?) just spills venon and it makes for uncomfortable reading. Omitting ones you are negative on seems kind.


Definitely interesting stats. In my case, none of the Baltsun roundups were included so that skews the data, but I think most of mine tend to be positive. And I, too, wonder the same thing, but it's better to be thoughtful all around than worry about statistics in the end.

David J. Montgomery

I agree with Sarah -- the statistics are interesting, but I'd hate to see people change the way they review because of it.

I had a similar thought to the recent batch of Sisters in Crime stats, which track how many books by men versus books by women various newspapers review.

Ultimately, I think reviewers just have to try to do their best to write about interesting books in a fair and interesting way. That alone is hard enough without worrying about the other stuff.

David J. Montgomery

For the record, here are Michiko's stats:

280 reviews : 100 positive (36%), 83 neutral (30%), 97 negative (35%)


While it's true that sometimes a lot of criticism about a book will pique my curiosity, the only reasons I read reviews are so I know what's currently good in the marketplace, and make sure I don't miss reading something good.

A negative review doesn't much help me. Obviously, others may feel differently!

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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