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June 12, 2007



I must agree that most of modern-day thrillers would not exist if not for GORKY PARK - I think because Smith doesn't write a book a year he sometimes gets neglected in mystery circles, though he deserves all the accolades he gets. STALIN'S GHOSTS probably isn't his best book but it's a really good one (I almost reviewed it for the LAT but someone beat me to it! But it would have been an interesting counterpoint to the American-set post 9/11 thrillers I did mention.)

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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