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June 28, 2007


patti abbott

I've been reading Second Hand by Micahel Zadoorian, a book written around 2000 and set in Detroit. I wonder if a case can be make that novels written pre 9/11 have a completely different feel to them. This is leisurely and the angst in it manageable rather than apopcalytic. DO you see a difference?


I'm on a good run just now. Diamond Dove by Adrian Hyland (Australian outback, excellent story); The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill (Laos's only coroner. This may be the best crime fiction novel I've read for a year== cannot recommend too highly). Currently on John Harvey's "Darkness and Light", third in the Frank Elder series, assured and absorbing.

A real winning streak of three.

Cameron Hughes

A Quarter into Rucka's Patriot Acts which despite some exposition problems, is very good.

Just finished Dexter in the Dark which stunk and am starting Michael Koryta's A WELCOME GRAVE.

Karen Olson

In the middle of Peter Spiegelman's excellent RED CAT. Liked his first two, but this one is outstanding.

karen terry

I am reading Silent In The Grave by Deanna Raybourn. It is her 1st novel and it is really good. I can wait to read her next.

Tasha Alexander

Partway through ISTANBUL by Orhan Pamuk. Lovely.


I envy those of you that get the ARCs. I am so looking forward to the new Finder and Slaughter, and especially the Rucka--it's been a long time since the last Atticus. I have just ordered the new Thomas Perry---has anyone read it yet?

Jade Walker

Just finished a fantastic book -- "Obit" by Jim Sheeler. It's truly a top notch collection of stories by a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. Also just turned the last page on Chuck Hogan's latest thriller "The Killing Moon." A decent summer read, but I enjoyed "Prince of Thieves" more.

David Montgomery

I've got the new Rucka, but haven't felt like reading it. Didn't sound very interesting to me.

I have read the new Thomas Perry, though. It's pretty good. Not quite up to the standard of his best, but entertaining, if a little slow.


I'm almost finished with MIDNIGHT CHOIR by Gene Kerrigan. Excellent police procedural set in Ireland. Hope to find his other works when I'm done with this one. Highly recommended.

Elaine Flinn

I wish I could tell ya, but I can't. :)


Recently a series of my favorite authors have released new books: Harlan Coben's The Woods was his usual very good read. I also agree that Thomas Perry's Silence was a bit below par by his standards but still worth the read. My favorite current series is Barry Eisler's John Rain books and as usual Requiem for an Assaaain is another 4 star edition. John Burdett is a genius and both Bangkok 8 and now Bangkok Haunts are absolutely superb reads, both of which land on my all time Top 10 list with a bullett!

Roddy Reta

Chelsea Cain's Heartsick. Really curious to see if it lives up to the hype.

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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